Making a positive impact when it really matters is part of our DNA.
Our ESG Impact measures the progress of our responsible business strategy. We assess how our environmental, social, and strong governance commitments intersect to impact our culture, communities, ethics, and the planet.
A holistic approach to responsible business.

As we continue to progress our shared vision for impact, we solicit feedback from our various stakeholders to evolve our understanding of the firm's material topics. Learn more about what we hear in our Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality Analysis.
Before ESG became a household term, it was a thread sewn through the founding purpose and culture of AlixPartners.
Sustainability is only possible when we respect and care for every part of what makes us whole. AlixPartners’ one-firm firm approach has always reflected just that: a commitment to sustaining and nurturing our culture, our communities, our business, and our planet—especially as disruption increasingly remakes the world.
At AlixPartners, our small teams of seasoned experts work collaboratively and deeply with colleagues and clients to solve major challenges. In this work, we take seriously our shared responsibility to lead by example by doing the right thing. I’m very proud that ESG was naturally set as a core pillar in our firmwide five-year growth strategy.
Now a leading economic and societal driver, disruption is accelerating change in future-defining ways for businesses, communities, and our environment. Thankfully, AlixPartners is uniquely equipped to navigate such delicate and high-stakes realities. In fact, it’s where we excel.
Since our founding, we have advised clients on how to transform their governance, implement efficiency, and secure resources in ways that not only sustain their businesses in times of urgency, but grow them. Signing the United Nations Global Compact in 2021 was a commitment to apply that expertise and our resources to advance the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for achieving peace and prosperity now and into the future. We’re making meaningful progress and there is still work to be done.
Every ounce of energy and expertise we deliver to our clients, our communities, and our own teammates is backed by a commitment to do good and make a positive impact.

Simon Freakley, Chief Executive Officer

A proud signatory of the UN Global Compact
As a signatory, we abide by the UN’s 10 Principles and partner across a growing coalition of businesses and municipalities working to progress the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a collective effort to achieve a better future for all.
AlixPartners focuses its efforts on the following nine SDGs to target and maximize our impact. These priority SDGs, which focus on economic prosperity, equity, well-being, and environment, align closely with our core values and responsible business strategy.

In 2022, AlixPartners launched a global ESG Steering Committee to lead our growing body of ESG experts.
Advancing purposeful ESG for our clients.

Evolving and adapting our sustainability targets and commitments
We consider the environment a key stakeholder and aim to treat it like we would any client. Climate change and its effects are not only reshaping our environment but also destroying lives, shifting populations, and remaking industries.
In 2022 we created innovative methods and solutions that advanced our approach to sustainability and got us closer to our Next Zero aspirations.

Global ESG Lead
“There is no shortage of urgent issues demanding our focus. When I try to prioritize mine, I hear the hum of our planet, the vast and verdant world that holds all of us up as we go about our busy lives. It’s calling on me—on us—to do more before it’s too late. AlixPartners is uniquely equipped— and motivated—to do more than our share to better our society and protect our planet.”

Building an inclusive and diverse culture with intention
Our Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) strategy focuses on building connections that inspire an open culture for sharing our passions, talents, and innovative ideas.
With more than 2,600 employees across the world, we believe that cultivating an increasingly diverse workforce will only enrich our success as a business.
Long-term Diversity & Inclusion strategy focused on engagement, openness, development and investment.
65% staff participation in Employee Resource Groups
Empowering our people with D&I-centric tools for development
Promoting emotional, physical, and financial wellness through our Well@Work program
Leading with the voices of our people and their Life at AlixPartners

Head of Diversity & Inclusion
Partner & Managing Director
“You can count diversity. You can feel inclusion. Only within the fusion of both can we realize a true sense of pride and belonging. We made significant strides building an open and inclusive culture in 2022. But our ambitions are greater. As we work together, the ripple effect of our long-term approach will only broaden and strengthen what it means to be AlixPartners.”

Investing in our neighbors through our time and resources
The work we do has a significant impact on more than just our clients and our people. Deeply connected with the communities in which we work, we partner with international leaders and organizations local to each of our offices.
Across these strong relationships, we leverage our resources and expertise to make a lasting impact through volunteering, pro bono projects, and charitable giving.
More than $1.05 million in charitable contributions in 2022
15,300 pro bono hours delivered in 2022
More than 1,200 hours of volunteerism 2022
Local social impact teams leading community change across our 25 office locations
Global partnerships with the World Economic Forum, Global Dignity, Generation Success, the Equal Justice Initiative, United Negro College Fund, the International Rescue Committee, and ClimateForce.

Head of Social Responsibility
“Our very purpose is to affect change and collaborate to solve the world’s most complex challenges—and we do so with human dignity and equity at top of mind. Our steadfast passion for doing the right thing is a true driver of progress, and it gives me hope to know there is more we can and will do together.”

Zero-tolerance policy for practices that are unethical or corrupt
As we advise companies on strengthening their governance and practices, AlixPartners is committed to making ongoing progress to its leadership accountability and processes.
We are vigilant in ensuring compliance with all laws and regulations, and we ensure that all of our people are trained on these issues every year.
Robust assessment of risk and regulatory environments
100% of staff trained on ethics, compliance, and ESG annually
40,000+ hours of ESG-specific training completed in 2022 firmwide
Supplier diversity framework used across all supplier networks
Growing suite of ESG client offerings that build business impact and value

Chief Legal Officer,
Partner & Managing Director
“Our engagement teams working with our clients are not only industry experts, but also business partners whose insights and methodologies are deeply informed by training in risk management and a critical understanding of the environmental, social, and governance issues that affect – and drive – business strategy and operational effectiveness. That holistic approach defines who we are and what we do at AlixPartners.”

New York (Headquarters)
909 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10022
O +1 212 490 2500
F +1 212 490 1344